My experience with 42Wolfsburg during the remote Piscine — Day 25
Day 25
The final exam
Today was the final exam. It started at 10 pm and last for 8 h. I got up early and took some pictures of my intranet profile. Hendrik and me hosted a study room again at 9 pm but it was just talking about everything to calm down.
We joined a Zoom meeting right before 10 pm. We didn’t know how many exercise we have to do so it just started and tried to do the exercises as fast as possible.
At a certain point I got stuck for like one hour and I took a lunch break for like 30 minutes. Even after that I couldn’t figure out what went wrong. I rewrite the code several times but at the end I just gave up at around 5 pm. I was stuck for over 4 hours on that task. I don’t know if I gave up to early but there was no chance for me to solve that task.
Luckily the intra wasn’t closed for me yet as it was before 6 pm. I saw that all of my friends received the helper badge (me included) and I’m very proud of that. It was fun working with you guys!
I feel exhausted right now but also satisfied. I joined the after exam party to talk to all my new friends. Yeah I can really call them friends after that time. I feel really sad that it is now over but I will use the weekend to rest I guess. It’s important to keep the flow going so I will continue coding at least every few days.
In two weeks I will know if I made it to school or if I have to apply again after one year.
This is my overview of projects I did till the end.
I have some ideas for more posts: I will create a Pro/Con post, a summary and an interview with someone who had zero coding experience. I will try to write the posts the next days. As you know I had some experience with coding but you can do it without. There was one guy who made it to the same exercise like me in the exam and he hadn’t written any code before. The advantage of experienced coders will be gone after like 50% of the Piscine. Don’t be afraid if you have no experience.
There is no next day. Yep that’s it!
You are a former or future Pisciner or you have questions in general? You just wanna chat? >>> Connect with me on LinkedIn and get in contact <<<
Tips for Day 25
- get snacks and drinks