My experience with 42Wolfsburg during the remote Piscine — Day 04
Day 04
Today was the first official time we had to do a daylie Tribe Check in and it was more or less the official start of the coding part
It was 10 am when we had to do our first daily tribe check in. This is some kind of meeting you have with your inner circle every morning. We used it to get to know each other a little bit better. It should last for about 30 minutes but we took the chance and spoke over 80 minutes. Great to see the faces for the first time. Everyone had a story to tell and it showed me that I maybe had been a bit biased about some of the campers. A huge mistake.
I think future tribe checks will be shorter and you have to subscribe for them. They’re kind of mandatory.
“we are all humans”
Staff came up with a game about a specific topic “how men pushed women out of CS” because there was a report in a local newspaper. The general topic for the discussion was AI eliminating women in a recruitment process and how AI enhances issues like discrimination. There is a game where you can find out more about being biased (my nickname also contains bias but this is related to electronic stuff which you bias to switch them so this has nothing to do with this topic!) and AI taking over HR recruitment. Give it a go. I won’t go any deeper. It will be shocking for you I swear: .
I tried to trick the game but failed. Will see AI stuff now from a different perspective.
A huge discussion came up about this on discord and it showed that all the guys (campers, staff and everyone else involved) have different opinions but we agree that we tolerate each and every person no matter what. We tried to discuss some reasons why there are jobs where men are by far more present than women.
To be honest I worked a lot in the tech industry and I’ve met by far more men than women. I knew that there is huge imbalance but I never asked myself for the reason. This game from above and the result will affect me for some more time I guess…
At 3 pm we had a kick off meeting how the next week will be. I won’t go much into details right. I will sum it up during the weekend. This remote Piscine differs quite a lot from what you may read before about a regular Piscine.
The weekend is for recharging batteries so daily reports won’t be that long. I think I will talk about stuff which recently changed for the Piscine in the next posts ;)
Tips for Day 04
- be tolerant and open minded
- speak and listen alike